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The tantric massage, the erotic massage, the wellness massage, as well as the lingam massage have many benefits for body and mind and can be easily combined with each other. 

In the tantric form of the massage, the whole body is caressed, touched and massaged. Being touched is an elementary need of every human being and a lack of touch can actually make you sick. Lust and sensuality are included in a tantric massage, as the sexual nature of the human being should not be suppressed.

The room in which the tantra massage is to be performed will be pleasantly tempered and atmospherically illuminated. This ensures that you feel comfortable and secure during the massage. Candles or a sensual scent can also help you get into the right mood for this erotic experience. The massage itself can then be done with fragrant, essential oils. Feathers or silk scarves can also be used.

A tantric massage can have a different duration, but usually not shorter than an hour. 

There are different types and forms of tantric massage. Roughly speaking, the white and red tantra can be distinguished from each other. In the first form, the focus is on releasing inner blockages and finding oneself again. In the red tantra massage, on the other hand, the emphasis is on physical touch.

Lingam Massage

Tantric massage knows the subtype of lingam massage. This type of massage is devoted to the male genital organ. Tantric massage must also be distinguished from wellness massage. Closely related to tantric massage is erotic massage. Here you can find out what is behind the terms erotic massage & Co.

Tantra Massage Munich

Tantric massage Munich is a ritual form of massage that involves finding the spiritual path to ecstasy and learning to perceive one's own body more intensively. The term Tantra originally comes from Indian Sanskrit and translates into English as something like "connection" or "expanding". Through Tantra, body and mind are to be interwoven and merge into a unity. Through tantric massages you can get to know your body in a whole new way and expand your erotic horizons. There are various tantric rituals, of which massage is only one.

The goal of Tantra massage in Munich is to increase one's own sensitivity and to enjoy it holistically. With this form of massage, you can, but do not necessarily have to, experience an orgasm. The tantric massage therapist is extremely attentive and intuitively feels what you need and want. Tantric rituals have a high energy density that you will feel all over your body.

Unlike a tantric massage, an erotic massage is less about spiritual pleasure than about very specific physical sensations. An erotic massage uses special massage techniques to stimulate the massaged person sexually in a variety of ways. With such an erotic massage, the achievement of a sexual climax is desired.

But pleasure can also be donated in other ways than just through an orgasm. An erotic massage and a tantra massage can also be combined with each other. If you like the erotic massage, but long for a more holistic and spiritually oriented massage technique, you should inform yourself about the unique experience of a tantric massage.

Wellness Massage

A wellness massage is characterized by the fact that it serves the general relaxation of the body. In this point, there are overlaps between a tantric massage and a wellness massage. Because a tantric massage also has the goal of increasing general well-being. Unlike the holistic tantra massage, however, a wellness massage is primarily about loosening muscle hardening and relaxation and promoting blood circulation in the body.

Unpleasant pain is relieved and the wellness massage has an effect of recovery. The wellness massage is closely related to the medical massage, but is distinguished by its beneficial effect during the massage. A medical massage can be very painful at first, but in the long run it has a positive effect.

Lingam Massage

In the lingam massage, the focus of the massage session is on the male genital area. Similar to the term "Tantra", the term "Lingam" comes from Sanskrit and refers to the entire male genital area. Just like the tantric massage, the lingam massage is sensual, energizing and involves both body and mind in the massage. 

The lingam massage lovingly appreciates the testicles, the penis and also the prostate of the man, whereby a union of body, mind and soul is to be achieved in the man. A lingam massage should open up completely new horizons of pleasure for you.
